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2 Ways Unified Communication Will Make Your Employees More Productive

One of the biggest obstacles to small and medium business growth is the struggle to get employees to work speedily, efficiently, and successfully. If you're still having productivity difficulties after hiring the right workers, training them well, and incentivising them, it's a good idea to turn to IT solutions to boost their output. One such solution that many businesses are having success with is unified communications. These are platforms that manage all communication between employees and clients from one system. Unified communications solutions integrate phone calls, emails, instant messaging and video chat into one easily managed space. This has numerous benefits for businesses, including increased mobility, reduced costs, and improved productivity.

Before you contact an IT support services company to set up and manage your unified communications platform, take a look at these 2 ways it'll make your workers more productive.

Employees Can Communicate Anywhere, Anytime

When your business uses numerous different platforms to handle different types of communications, employees can only communicate with each other and clients when they're in the right place at the right time. When communications are managed from one unified platform, they can talk to who they need to when they need to, no matter where they are. Unified communications systems can be installed on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and phones, cutting down time wasted moving from device to device. Unified communications also ensure employees don't have to spend time locating their coworkers and finding out if they're free; your system can identify what an employee is doing in real time and let coworkers get in touch to collaborate at the press of a button. The less time they waste, the more time they can spend generating profits.

Employees Can Collaborate With Ease

On the topic of collaboration, a unified communications system makes it easy for employees to work together as needed. Aside from not needing to waste work hours figuring out each other's schedules, every employee will be using the same platform, allowing seamless teamwork. A coworker can jump in on a call or add to an email when needed right from their own device. Best of all, as collaboration on unified communications platforms is instant, your employees won't need to wait around for coworkers to schedule group sessions. Meetings and team tasks can be tackled as and when needed throughout the busy day. You can even have your system set up to share the task each employee is working on at present, allowing your workers to find tasks they can help with rather than sitting around thinking their work for the day is done.
